Wednesday, 8 December 2010


We started the research for our new essay today, were we have to write a critical review for the film Persepolis, written and directed by Marjane Satrapi and Vincent Paronnaud, an autobiographical account of the life of Marjane Satrapi. Persepolis is a weight film, depicting the struggle of a woman living in Iran, the collapse of a government and the iranian revolution. Even though the film is shown as an animation, we start to get drawn in and beileve that it an actual representation of what is happening, instead a series of drawing. In addition to this the film uses, cinematic techniques that would be seen in none animated movies such as film noir, for example panning shots and monologues. Also a very clever technique used in movie to make you belive that it is real, is when we are shown a puppet show, which therefore makes us believe that what we are watching is real and the puppet show not. Overall i found the film very moving, with the struggle of Marjane Satrapi being a harrowing series of events, shown in a unique and sensitive way. 
Im starting the essay by writing 500 on how gender is represented in Persepolis in the next few days and then progress from there by focusing on different issues dealt with in the film, before combining them for the finished essay, i think this will help me manage my time better when writing the essay. 

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