Tuesday, 26 October 2010


I've been so busy this last week, I've not found the time to even post on here so I'll update with everything that's been going on since i last blogged. here goes...

We had the opportunity to try screen printing last week, having never tried it before, i was intrigued to see what the process was all about, having seen some examples of the work, ANDY WARHOL, for example who favoured the technique, I like the outcome, and different variations on the results you can get. Andy Warhol's prints were very precise and lined up perfectly. However, you can also experiment with the screens and alignment, and create a much more soft effect.

Screen printing is a method of print making in which a design is imprinted, on a silk screen or mesh, with areas coated in an impermeable substance, ink is then applied to the screen, forced through mesh on a surface such a fabric or paper, with the image being transferred through. The process is also know as Silkscreen, seriograph and serigraph. Screen printing is about bringing layers into your work, breaking your image down an creating a screen for each layer. Take Andy Warhol's, Marylin Monroe print, the outline would be on one screen the block colours of the skin, hair and facial features, would also be on separate ones each, then when it your comes to printing apply the ink to each screen in turn and running a squeege across the silk pulling the ink through.
here are some other examples of the technique:

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