Sunday, 3 October 2010


chosen object. childhood book - Paddington Bear,
11 of the 25 representations of my chosen object completed.

I used this technique as i felt it represented how books can lead to, and uncover new things how they can open doors to new worlds and encourage the imagination of a child.
I chose to use watercolour as the washed out results are reminiscent of that seem in children's books, especially the one i have chosen, Paddington Bear. They also provide a dream like quality to the work.
I have used photography as it captures as certain moment in time, often a cherished one and this relates to my object a great deal, for example the cherished moments I shared as a child with my mum, when she read to me.

focusing on things such as Typography, regarding the meaning of the object to me, firstly in the form of a poem which i wrote myself, expressing the importance of family tradition and feeling safe and secure. Then secondly in the form of a small book, highlighting certain words that i relate to the object.

Whats Next.
1. Work in to photographs using gouache.
2. Create a sound recording, of my mum reading a section of the book.
3. Create a cutout, revealing something underneath.
4. Explore patchwork, by sewing paper, fabric and photographs together.
5.Combine different books, showing how things can intertwine and lead to new things.


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